Your Journey. Your Way.

Keep a complete one-year history of your drives securely stored in the Driver Cloud.

Walmart Spark Driver

Ditch old school SD cards. Easily share & export your videos from any device.

A complete, unified data view showing exactly what happened.

Walmart Spark DriverWalmart Spark Driver

Driver Premium Perks

Roadside Assistance

Roadside Assistance

Driver Cloud

Driver Cloud



Find repair shops

Find repair shops

Legal assistance

Legal assistance

Unlock the power of your data when you pair the Driver Cloud & App together.

Dash Cam mode

Record your full trip in HD. When your phone hits WiFi, the entire trip complete with location, speed, g-force, weather, and telematics events will be backed up to the Driver Cloud.


Pocket Drives mode

No action needed - Just start driving! Driver will automatically detect when you’ve started driving and will collect location, speed, g-force, weather, and telematics events and unify the data in the Cloud. Coming soon to Android.

Walmart Spark Driver
Case study

A driver backing out of a parking spot collided with another vehicle with four occupants. A claim was made against the driver, in which all four occupants complained of neck injuries caused by whiplash. Through data, the driver could tell the story that the car was moving at less than one mile per hour when the collision occurred, and the impact was registered at 0.6g, the same force as shutting a car door. There was no way those four occupants could have had those injuries. The claim was overturned.

Drivers who have hardware dash cams in their vehicles still run Driver in Pocket Drives mode to paint the full picture.

Walmart Spark Driver
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